Dearest Quinn-
We love you. I'm not sure that I can ever say that enough. Your Dad and I love you SO much. I can hardly believe it has been a whole month since we got to meet you face to face on this earth. To say that we miss you would be an understatement. Words can not express how much we ache to have you in our arms and to kiss you and hold you and rock you and just love you. There is a huge hole in our hearts and in our lives where our first baby boy belongs. I know this hole will never go away, nor should it. It's yours. It's your special and perfect place in our hearts and no one else will ever be able to fill it. Everything was just better with you here, nothing is the same without you. I just don't think you can ever prepare for how much it hurts. How everything reminds us of you. How the tears just never seem to dry up. Your Dad and I are just trying to figure out and deal with our new "normal".
We are so proud of you. You beat so many odds. We know you had to fight to stay with us those 9 months. That you had to fight with all your might to get through labor. And we know that you stayed on this earth with us for a whole hour because of the love you have for us. We got to look right in to your beautiful eyes, eyes we had been dreaming of for months. Hear your perfectly sweet cry. Hold you close and introduce you to so many of the people that love you.
We really did get to hold an Angel in our arms. That is such an amazing thing to be able to say. We are so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and the knowledge that we get to hold you again someday. Most days it just doesn't feel like it will be soon enough. But I know you are close. That you will always be our little Angel to watch over us.
There is not a day, hour or minute that you are not in our hearts or on our minds. Happy one month Angel Birthday, baby boy. Your Mommy and Daddy love and miss you so much.